Announcing SHASS Digital Teaching and Research Collaborative Sessions, Thursdays, 4:30-5:30

This semester, the MIT Programs in Digital Humanities and MIT Libraries are co-hosting weekly collaborative sessions for SHASS faculty and UROPs on Thursdays from 4:30-5:30:

Our weekly Zoom room provides an informal, regular space for faculty and researchers to connect with one another, DH Lab Staff, and SHASS librarians about digital research and teaching topics.

Topics and speakers will be announced weekly: please check the SHASS Events Calendar for details. We welcome faculty input regarding future session topics. Please feel free to send these or advance questions to

NEW!: If you would like to schedule a one-on-one consultation with DH Technical Director, Ryaan Ahmed, to discuss current and future projects or to ask about the suitability of a project for one of our grants or fellowships, please email with the subject line “DH Office Hours.” As with our open sessions, we welcome scholars with no prior experience using digital techniques in research or pedagogy to use this time to develop new ideas.